2021 17th
International Architecture Exhibition
La Biennale di Venezia
Co-ownership of Action: Trajectories of Elements

Curator Kozo Kadowaki organized the project under the theme: "Co-ownership of Action: Trajectories of Elements.” Today in Japan there are a great number of houses that have exceeded their life expectancy, and simply await demolition. One of such houses will be dismantled, with its parts and fittings shipped to Venice. The exhibition attempts to recreate and reconstruct these dismantled elements into something different, finding new uses for them as display walls, benches, projection screens, and so on.

This exhibition was scheduled to take place from May 2020, however the opening was postponed to May 2021 due to the effects of Covid-19.

In addition to the on-site exhibition, the exhibition team at the Japan Pavilion will share videos and images documenting the production status and various processes related to the project through an official website as well as SNS platforms. Furthermore, as an aside, plans have been initiated to consider ways of reusing the materials used for the Japan Pavilion exhibition instead of discarding them.

©Alberto Strada
©Alberto Strada
©Alberto Strada
©Alberto Strada
©Alberto Strada
©Alberto Strada
©Alberto Strada
©Alberto Strada
©Alberto Strada
©Alberto Strada
©Alberto Strada
©Alberto Strada
日本館展示「ふるまいの連鎖:エレメントの軌跡」を、構想段階から制作のプロセス、ヴェネチア現地での展示風景までご紹介します。“Co-ownership of Action: Trajectories of Elements” - from the concept stage to the production process and the exhibition scenery in Venezia.

The Japan Pavilion

Co-ownership of Action: Trajectories of Elements
Kozo Kadowaki
Jo Nagasaka | Ryoko Iwase | Toshikatsu Kiuchi | Taichi Sunayama | Daisuke Motogi
Rikako Nagashima
Norimasa Aoyagi | Aya Hiwatashi
Jiro Iio
Kayoko Ota
The Japan Foundation
Special Support
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All texts are based on information at the time.